Wednesday, 17 November 2010

marco photography / Green Shieldbug

I was in the garden and i saw a green bug that i have saw before mostly from landing on me it was in my garden so I took some macro shots of it wondering around .

                                                          60mm lens
                                                          Shutter speed 1/50 sec
                                                         Aperture f 7.1
                                                         ISO 400
                                                       Metering spot
                                                       Flash used

He was climbing up a steam so i took a shot from above

60mm lens
Shutter speed 1/50 sec
Aperture f 7.1
ISO 400
Metering spot
Flash used

60mm lens
Shutter speed 1/50 sec
Aperture f 4
ISO 400
Metering spot
Flash used

                                                                     60mm lens
                                                                      Shutter speed 1/60 sec
                                                                     Aperture f 7.1
                                                                    ISO 400
                                                                   Metering Evaluative
                                                                   Flash used

60mm lens
Shutter speed 1/60 sec
Aperture f /14
ISO 100
Metering Evaluative
Flash used

60mm lens
Shutter speed 1/40 sec
Aperture f/8
ISO 200
Metering Evaluative
Flash used

I took a shot of its back and captured
 some of the textures of the bug

                                                                      60mm lens
                                                                     Shutter speed 1/50 sec
                                                                     Aperture f 4
                                                                     ISO 400
                                                                    Metering spot
                                                                    Flash used

 Conclusion I am happy with the shots i took i think i got the bug in focus and show the nice colours and tones , things i could of done to improve shot would be maybe have tyred using smaller apertures

I got down low and face on to the bug
and used my Flash
I metered onto the face using spot

60mm lens
Shutter speed 1/50 sec
Aperture f 7.1
ISO 400
Metering spot
Flash used

Comparison with other peoples work

I Think my shots stand up quite well to the ones i have found about this bug
most are of the bugs back , I think my perspective of my final image is a good composition with texture and movement and a good depth off Field
I got down low and face on to the bug
and used my Flash
I metered onto the face using spot

Health and safety

I was only taking shots for maybe half hour
and i was careful not to disturb the bug
After i finished the bug went on with hes day
I had suitable foot wear on to walk on the rockery.

1 comment:

  1. Again great shots well done technically. perhaps a little more writing maybe saying how some other photographers work might compare to yours and then commenting on what you could do improve on (if anything).
    Keep doing the labels to help you see how and where you need to concentrate your efforts in these remaining weeks.
