Thursday, 27 January 2011

Architecture rejected photographs

Architecture rejected photographs

Here are some of my rejected photos and I show some of my final images to show the reason for my choice
                                                                       Warwick close ups

These close up of the Warwick's Lord leycecter Hospital are nice i like the tones and the depth of Field of the 2nd shot  ,but in the end i choose another detail part of the hospital in the shot below them and chosse this for my final 10

Railway bridge detail

The 1st photo is a above shot looking up the 2nd is looking up at the rivets with some depth of Field both i like but I choose a side on view of the railway bridge for my final 10 because i like the composition and tones .

Shakespeare's theatre

Here are three different angles of the Shakespeare's theatre the first I took looking down the road towards the old part of the theatre i like the beauty of the old building the second shot is the new part of the theatre with the tower I tyred to show all of the theatre maybe a angle with the street lighting out of the shot would of been better I choose the picture below them for the final 12 because I like shapes and Form .

Oxford university

All these photos are part of the university The first shot is a angel showing the texture and lines of the building
The second is a face on shot of statue and building in background and the shot below them is one I choose for my final 12 because I like the composition of the shot and the focal point of the statue .

More rejected images




Macro rejected photographs

Macro rejected photographs

Here are some of the rejected Marco shots and some of the final images chosen instead


The 1st shot of the insect I was trying to capture a good close up i like the composition the 2nd shot of the tiny bug i like how it shows what hes been up too eating the leaf
I chose my photo of my green shield bug bottom photo instead of the other two because of the colours and detail and the depth of field .

I like my close up of the Grass hopper he was lunch for a Tarantula spider so its sad that's hes properly been eaten by now but I'm glad I took a shot to show the beauty in this grass hopper , my close up of the head of the bug I luv but i choose the pic of the whole body instead because of depth of Field and colours

Water droplets

The 1st shot on left I liked with the colours and tones in the water drop ,the 2nd shot was a hard technical shot that i like the tones and lines , but i chose the shot on the left because of the reflection of the plant and leaves inside the rain drop.

Winter freeze

Two winter shots one of a close up of a rain drop frozen I like the Texture of the leaf and the lines but i had a better shot of the same plant with close up rain drops so choose the bottom image . The snowflake photo on the right just landed onto a stem this I would say was the hardest technical shot to shoot and i was pleased to capture a snowflake but it did not make the cut .

More rejected images