Here are some of my rejected photos and I show some of my final images to show the reason for my choice
Warwick close ups
These close up of the Warwick's Lord leycecter Hospital are nice i like the tones and the depth of Field of the 2nd shot ,but in the end i choose another detail part of the hospital in the shot below them and chosse this for my final 10
Railway bridge detail
The 1st photo is a above shot looking up the 2nd is looking up at the rivets with some depth of Field both i like but I choose a side on view of the railway bridge for my final 10 because i like the composition and tones .
Shakespeare's theatre
Here are three different angles of the Shakespeare's theatre the first I took looking down the road towards the old part of the theatre i like the beauty of the old building the second shot is the new part of the theatre with the tower I tyred to show all of the theatre maybe a angle with the street lighting out of the shot would of been better I choose the picture below them for the final 12 because I like shapes and Form .
Oxford university
All these photos are part of the university The first shot is a angel showing the texture and lines of the building
The second is a face on shot of statue and building in background and the shot below them is one I choose for my final 12 because I like the composition of the shot and the focal point of the statue .
More rejected images